Pravachan by Name
We have collected rare pravachan series of Munshri Kshamasagar Ji Maharaj, Jinendra Varni Ji, Pragya mati Mata Ji and many other great jain saints from various resources. You can find audio files on almost all important principles of Jain Philosophy in this section. We have pravachan on Daslakshan Dharma, Solah Karan Bhavna, Tatvarth Sutra, Barah Bhavna and many core Jain principles.
We have collected rare pravachan series of Munshri Kshamasagar Ji Maharaj, Jinendra Varni Ji, Pragya mati Mata Ji and many other great jain saints from various resources. You can find audio files on almost all important principles of Jain Philosophy in this section. We have pravachan on Daslakshan Dharma, Solah Karan Bhavna, Tatvarth Sutra, Barah Bhavna and many core Jain principles.
Submit your content: Please let us know if you have any rare pravachan of any Saadhu or Sadhvi in audio/ video or any document format
Instructions to play the audio directly form the site!
- Just click on the individual *file (not the folder) link and the player will start
- It may take few seconds (or minutes) for the file to buffer depending upon your internet speed
- Right click on the file (not folder) link
- Select "Save Link As" option
- The dialog box will open up and prompt you to save it on your hard disk
- You can change the name of the file and select the desired location
- Click on "Save"
- The files are tested to be virus free, but to be 100% sure please make sure that your antivirus is on
*NOTE: You will be able to download only one file at a time.