Pravachan - The Precious Golden Words
We have collected rare pravachan series of Munshri Kshama Sagar Ji Maharaj, Jinendra Varni Ji, Pragya mati Mata Ji and many other great jain saints from various resources. You can find audio files on almost all important principles of Jain Philosophy in this section. We have pravachan on Daslakshan Dharma, Solah Karan Bhavna, Tatvarth Sutra, Barah Bhavna and many core Jain principles.
Ideal way of doing Swadhyay or listening to Jain Scripture Pravachan
We have collected rare pravachan series of Munshri Kshama Sagar Ji Maharaj, Jinendra Varni Ji, Pragya mati Mata Ji and many other great jain saints from various resources. You can find audio files on almost all important principles of Jain Philosophy in this section. We have pravachan on Daslakshan Dharma, Solah Karan Bhavna, Tatvarth Sutra, Barah Bhavna and many core Jain principles.
Ideal way of doing Swadhyay or listening to Jain Scripture Pravachan
- Wear clean clothes, wash your hands and feet and if you have eaten something make sure to gargle and clean your mouth.
- Choose a quiet place so you can concentrate on the swadhyay. Turn off your mobile. Make sure the time is appropriate for the particular shastra swadhyay.
- Start with mangalacharan of the shastra you are listening to. For example for Ratankarand Shravakachaar recite "Namah Shri Vardhamanaya nirdhoot kalilatmane, saalokanaam trilokanaam yad vidya darpanayate".
- After the swadhya is over, recite Jinvaanui Stuti followed by Kayotsarga (9 times namokar mantra recitation)
Pravachan Categories
- By Speaker Name: In this section the Pravachan series is categorized by the name of the speakers who obliged us with Jinvaani knowledge
- By Topic: In this section the Pravachan series is categorized by the topic name. Please click this link if you are interested in Pravachan on a specific topic
- By Level: In this section the Pravachan series is categorized as per the understanding level of the listener. If you are just a beginner and just need peace of mind in day to day life you may start at beginner's level. If you want to learn about the core principles of Jainism and enhance your understanding of Jinvaani, please access our Advanced listeners section
- Submit your request: Please submit your request if you can't find something that you came here looking for
- Submit your content: Please let us know if you have any rare pravachan of any Saadhu or Sadhvi in audio/ video or any document format